Balthor the Defiled Videos
Discover 4 videos, featuring Balthor the Defiled
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Balthor the Defiled Combos
Balthor the Defiled on EDHREC
Generic Commander Ep 8- Mono Color Battle
Generic Commander •
The Reality Chip
Balthor the Defiled
Skrelv, Defector Mite
Daretti, Scrap Savant
Commander VS #236: Lovisa VS Balthor VS Gadrak VS Sai | MTG Gameplay
SCG Commander •
Sai, Master Thopterist
Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge
Balthor the Defiled
Lovisa Coldeyes
Webcam Wizards #2: Atarka vs Marath vs Dralnu vs Balthor
MTG Muddstah •
Marath, Will of the Wild
Dralnu, Lich Lord
Atarka, World Render
Balthor the Defiled
Webcam Wizards #1: Zedruu vs Omnath vs Balthor vs Multani
MTG Muddstah •
Zedruu the Greathearted
Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
Balthor the Defiled
Omnath, Locus of the Roil