Ertai, the Corrupted Videos
Discover 5 videos, featuring Ertai, the Corrupted
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Ertai, the Corrupted on EDHREC
Inalla, Chandra, Varina, Ertai | Commander Gameplay
The Dankest Dungeon •
Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
Ertai, the Corrupted
Varina, Lich Queen
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh // Chandra, Roaring Flame
Commander Adventures #10 - Ghired v. Ertai, the Corrupted v. Omnath, Locus of Rage v. Queen Marchesa
TheCommanderGuys •
Ghired, Conclave Exile
Ertai, the Corrupted
Omnath, Locus of Rage
Queen Marchesa
Commander VS S14E2: Krond VS Ertai VS Sydri VS Asmira [EDH]
SCG Commander •
Asmira, Holy Avenger
Sydri, Galvanic Genius
Ertai, the Corrupted
Krond the Dawn-Clad
The EDH Lounge - PreModern - Volrath vs Xira vs Ertai vs Bladewing
MTG Muddstah •
Ertai, the Corrupted
Bladewing the Risen
Volrath the Fallen
Xira Arien
Titania vs Tajic vs Bosh vs Ertai EDH / CMDR game play for Magic: The Gathering
MTG Muddstah •
Tajic, Blade of the Legion
Bosh, Iron Golem
Ertai, the Corrupted
Titania, Protector of Argoth