Legolas, Master Archer Videos
Discover 4 videos, featuring Legolas, Master Archer
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Legolas, Master Archer on EDHREC
Corey and Stephen Whisper Sweet Nothings | Commander VS | Magic: the Gathering
SCG Commander •
Shadowfax, Lord of Horses
Legolas, Master Archer
Saruman of Many Colors
Sauron, the Dark Lord
Lord of the Rings | $100 Budget Commander | EDH Gameplay Ep 26
Decked Out EDH •
Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit
Sam, Loyal Attendant
Legolas, Master Archer
Aragorn, King of Gondor
Saruman, the White Hand
Legolas \/ Lord of the Nazgul \/ Aragorn \/ Frodo and Sam | EDH / Casual Commander
The Editing Mage •
Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit
Legolas, Master Archer
Sam, Loyal Attendant
Aragorn, the Uniter
Lord of the Nazgûl
Frodo vs Sauron vs Legolas vs Gandalf | LOTR Tales of Middle Earth Commander Gameplay | KingdomsTV
KingdomsTV •
Frodo, Sauron's Bane
Legolas, Master Archer
Sauron, the Dark Lord
Gandalf the White