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OUTLAWS COMMANDER GAMEPLAY | The Good, The Bad & The Worst Possible Commander Show


Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Format - Commander / EDH Newest set - Outlaws of Thunder Junction Decks - Yuma, Proud Protector Landfall Gonti, Canny Acquisitor Spell Thief Eriette, the Beguiler Aura Thier Akul the Unrepentant Demon Sneak

SUPPORT** Use Promo Code WORST for 5% off at Ultimate Guard | Discord - Our life total app is MoxTopper

Decklists: CGB: Coming Soon Blake: Coming Soon Ben: Coming Soon Shea: Coming Soon

Shea’s Stream:

Twitter: CGB: @covertgoblue Blake: @blake_mtg Ben: @GreedLordMTG Shea: @TheWorstShea

Title Music by Sam Plotkin - Additional music by Rattlesnake Logo design by HolyMTG - [email protected] Twitter @HolyMTG

A commander show focused on bringing great in-person paper gameplay. This show features a consistent cast, including Covertgoblue.

Unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

#cgb #mtgarena #mtgWizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

#cgb #mtgarena #mtg

Chapters 00:00 Intro 04:48 Gameplay 51:19 Outro