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CEDH Gameplay with @FarNorthMtG! Tayam vs Atraxa vs Najeela vs Stella Lee!

Celestial Winner Gaming

Commanders featured in this video


Hey everyone! Today I am joined with the guys from @FarNorthMtG , playing some cedh. Definitely a fun and exciting game! These guys put out some great content, so make sure you go check them out!

Also big new, I now have a bonfire store! Got some different merch available, so head on over and check it out! www.bonfire.com/store/celestial-winner-gaming/?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=store_page_share&utm_campaign=celestial-winner-gaming&utm_content=default

Please hit that Like and Subscribe!

Head on over to my Patreon for some awesome perks and rewards! Patreon: www.patreon.com/c/CelestialWinnerGaming

Come join my discord! discord.gg/c9VMDbS553

Tayam Decklist: moxfield.com/decks/JVdxH7R6CU-pm-FpPAchnw

Atraxa Decklist: moxfield.com/decks/tTj5PgXJu0Sk5_Kl_KRO2A

Najeela Decklist: moxfield.com/decks/IhtW4WvPRUmCAQC3sKFyAw

Stella Lee Decklist: moxfield.com/decks/COLNOiKM1k2pGg-wbQGE8A

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