Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Brenard, Ginger Sculptor

Stangg, Echo Warrior

Firkraag, Cunning Instigator

Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival

Personality featured in this video
Brenard, Ginger Sculptor Deck on Archidekt
Stangg, Echo Warrior Deck on Archidekt
Firkraag, Cunning Instigator Deck on Archidekt
Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival Deck on Archidekt
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Show Notes:
Things are heating up in another bare-knuckled Extra Turns Commander beatdown! This episode, special guest Crim “The Asian Avenger” steps into the ring to face-off against JLK, Rachel, and Jamie from the Command Zone crew. Once the action starts, it’s not going to slow down until a victor emerges, so don’t look away!
It’s Brenard vs. Pia Nalaar vs. Stangg vs. Firkraag
GAME KNIGHTS LIVE w/ The Professor: The Professor is about to take Game Knights Live to school! Be there at MagicCon Chicago to watch the show and hang with us all weekend:
WHATNOT: The Command Zone is on Whatnot! Sign up at to follow our channel and get $15 FREE to spend anywhere on the site!
SHOPIFY: Power your business with Shopify. Go to to start your one-dollar-per-month trial period today.
CARD KINGDOM: The Command Zone is sponsored by Card Kingdom! If you want to receive your cards in one safe package and experience the best customer service, make sure to order your Magic cards, sealed product, accessories, and more at Card Kingdom:
ARCHIDEKT: Discover, build, catalog, and playtest on Archidekt, the deck-building website that makes it easy to brew brand new lists or manage your old favorites. Go to to get started today!
ULTRAPRO: Huge thanks to UltraPro for sponsoring this episode! Be sure to check out their PRO GLOSS eclipse sleeves and super classy MYTHIC COLLECTION deck boxes. If you want to keep your cards protected and support the show, visit:
Follow Our Guests Online:
Crim: Twitter: @Theasianavenger Twitch: YouTube: Instagram: @TheAsianAvenger
Jamie Block: Twitter: @Jamblock Instagram: @benjamiela
Rachel Weeks: Twitter: @wachelreeks Instagram: @wachelreeks
Deck Lists:
Crim’s Brenard:
Rachel’s Stangg:
Jamie’s Firkraag:
JLK’s Pia Nalaar:
Directed by: Josh Murphy Executive Producer: Josh Lee Kwai Co-Producer: Jimmy Wong Post Production Supervisor: Josh Murphy Edited by: Eric Lindvall Special FX and GFX: Eric Lindvall Additional Editing: Josh Murphy Sound Mix by: Eric Lindvall Director of Photography: Jake Boss
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Follow us on Twitter: @CommandCast @JoshLeeKwai @jfwong @wachelreeks
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