Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Alela, Artful Provocateur

Chulane, Teller of Tales

Korvold, Fae-Cursed King

Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale

This video is sponsored by Wizards of the Coast. Support the show by using our Card Kingdom affiliate link for your next Magic purchase:
Show Notes:
Jimmy and Josh face some stiff competition on this episode!
Magic Pro (and soon-to-be Hall of Famer) Reid Duke joins the show, along with former pro and current Magic game designer Melissa DeTora, for an epic battle with the brand-new Brawl preconstructed decks from Throne of Eldraine.
It’s Chulane vs Syr Gwyn vs Alela vs Korvold.
Who will emerge victorious?! ONLY ONE MAY STAND!!
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Huge thanks to UltraPro ( for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways. Be sure to check out their Throne of Eldraine themed sleeves, playmats and deck boxes!
Find UltraPro: Facebook: Twitter:
Be sure to enter the contest at the end of the episode for a chance to win swag from UltraPro, Card Kingdom and more! Winners will be announced on Twitter and Facebook on the evening of Wednesday, October 9th.
Where to find our guests online:
Reid Duke: Twitter: @ReidDuke Twitch:
Melissa DeTora Twitter: @MelissaDeTora
Throne of Eldraine Brawl Precon Decklists:
Director and Lead Editor: Josh Lee Kwai Editors: Terry Robertson, Josh Murphy, Jake Boss Assistant Editor: Ashlen Rose Special GFX and FX: Sam Waldow Director of Photography: Lauren Haroutunian Sound Recording: Jim Funicelli L2 Judge: Danny Simard Set Design: Bonnie Vacevich
Follow us on Twitter! @CommandCast @jfwong @JoshLeeKwai
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LIFELINKER: Lifelinker is the premium Life Counter app for Magic: the Gathering - available for FREE on the Apple and Android App Stores now! Customize your experience and redeem codes from your favorite creators to use their logo as your background when you game! Featuring logos from:
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Official Brawl Rules and Info: