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First Sliver, T&T medium green, Kenrith, T&T Tazakats - Tier1Con prep - #cEDH Gameplan Ep 69

SplitSecond โˆ™ โˆ™

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The First Sliver Food Chain; T&T medium green; Kenrith Hushevo staxy; T&T Razakats - Training gameplan for the Tier 1 Con

๐Ÿ† Check out Tier1 Con info: tier1mtg.dk/en/tier1con-commander ๐ŸŽ™๐ŸŽ™We are happy to announce that we will be coming to Tier 1 Con in Denmark ๐ŸŽ™๐ŸŽ™

โœจโœจCelebrating our 10K subs we are doing another GIVEAWAY to our patrons. Check out video #68 for further details.โœจโœจ

โ‚ Maraxis brought his own take The First Sliver โ‚ Kakah is his own brew for a value T&T midrangy list โ‚ Baal brought his Hushevo Kenrith list โ‚ Afonso loves Abzan but felt he needed blue so he’s on T&T Razakats

โฌŠ Decklists โฌ‹ โžข First Sliver - tinyurl.com/ccpzhw9p โžข Kakah’s T&T - tinyurl.com/4exs8ahx โžข Kenrith - tinyurl.com/5b97yaat โžข Afonso’s T&T - tinyurl.com/ke5psnd2

๐ŸŽง Our discord discord.gg/N33Ym8X ๐ŸŽง โ‚ Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/SplitSecondEDH โ‚

โžฅSupport us to improve the quality of our videos (www.patreon.com/SplitSecond) โžฅDon’t forget to visit Arena Porto if you’re coming to Porto/Portugal (arenaporto.com) โžฅMagic, the Gathering and all products belong to (magic.wizards.com) โžฅIntro & Outro Music from Patrick de Orteaga (patrickdearteaga.com) โžฅGameplay Music from Benjamin Tissot (www.bensound.com)

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