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Bloomburrow Precon Battle! | Tense EDH Showdown | Bello v Ms Bumbleflower v Zinnia v Hazel

Chad Magic

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

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Welcome to our Bloomburrow precon special!! Today we are joined by Matt and new guest, Jack to throw down with the new precons in a SPICY game of twists and turns!


Christian and Wally will be live on WhatNot at 6pm UK time on Monday 5th August!

Sign ups through our affiliate link will receive a £10 voucher!

Desklists can be found on the WOTC website!

If you are a fan of any of Tabletop Jocks, Tolarian Community College, Game Knights / The Command Zone, Star City Games, EDHijinks, Commander at Home and Alpha Investments then you will be sure to enjoy this commander gameplay content!

Connect with us:

Instagram - chad.magic Twitter/X - @TheChadMagic Patreon - Email - [email protected]

Executive Producers: Christian & Wally

Edited by Christian & Wally

Other Content Links: • • Twitter - @TheChadMagic

Music credit to Punch Deck: