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Modern Horizons 3: Nadu, Sorin, Ashling, Rosheen - cEDH Gameplay Ep 149

SplitSecond โˆ™ โˆ™

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Modern Horizons 3 is out and we have FRESH NEW commanders to showcase!

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โฌŠ Decklists โฌ‹ โžข Nadu - tinyurl.com/4uuzczkp โžข Sorin - tinyurl.com/ywnh6xbw โžข Ashling - tinyurl.com/4pnh7ydd โžข Rosheen - tinyurl.com/5fjcexca

โžฅDon’t forget to visit Arena Porto if you’re coming to Porto/Portugal arenaporto.com โžฅMagic, the Gathering and all products belong to magic.wizards.com/en โžฅIntro & Outro Music from Patrick de Orteaga patrickdearteaga.comโ€‹ โžฅGameplay Music: Tragedy by Alex-Productions soundcloud.com/alexproductionsmusic Creative Commons โ€” Attribution 3.0 Unported โ€” CC BY 3.0โ€‹

#cEDH #Commander #MagicTheGathering