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Double Feature - Malcolm/Vial Vs Ghired Vs Tymna/Kodama Vs Dihada - CEDH Game Play (TPM) Episode 6

Turning Point Meta

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


Join us for an EPIC Commander format showdown as Malcolm, Gherid & Tymna takes on the infamous CEDH powerhouses, Dihada! In this thrilling match, we’ll see which commander will reign supreme and whether their skills will be enough to take down this juggernauts. If you’re a fan of competitive Magic: The Gathering gameplay, don’t miss this intense battle!

Question to the Channel, let us know in the comments. Would you be interested in us streaming games in person or webcam? Let us know what deck do you want us to play next and why?

Deck Lists: Malcolm/Vial: moxfield.com/decks/q4nx2M6tmUufR5TJY0YeCQ Gherid: moxfield.com/decks/kMHuTh8MekWGbtESFhlz0A Tymna/Kodama: moxfield.com/decks/lezgAWiGl02VT4jhadEQYQ Dihada: moxfield.com/decks/tyxyHv64okedvL06pTIIVQ

Discord: discord.gg/k8eYgUTQDC

MAY 10K CEDH Tournament - topdeck.gg/event/salt-city-cedh-convention

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