Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

Marchesa, the Black Rose

Thrasios, Triton Hero

Tymna the Weaver

Greven, Predator Captain

Personality featured in this video
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Deck on Archidekt
Marchesa, the Black Rose Deck on Archidekt
Thrasios, Triton Hero + Tymna the Weaver Deck on Archidekt
Greven, Predator Captain Deck on Archidekt
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Show Notes:
Magic artist Jesper Ejsing (Tooth and Nail, Reliquary Tower) and Ashlen Rose sit down with Jimmy and Josh for a Commander showdown using their own homebrew decks.
It’s Marchesa vs Greven vs Yuriko vs Thrasios & Tymna.
Who will come out on top? Watch and find out!
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Find Our Guests Online:
Jesper Ejsing
Get a copy of Jesper’s artbook “Elsewhere”
Ashlen Rose: Twitter: @AshlenRose Twitch: Instagram: @RawrItsAshlen
Ashlen’s Yuriko:
Jimmy’s Marchesa:
Jesper’s Thrasios & Tymna:
JLK’s Greven:
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Directed by: Josh Lee Kwai Edited by: Terry Robertson and Josh Murphy Special FX and GFX: Terry Robertson Director of Photography: Lauren Haroutunian Sound Mix: Jake Boss
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