Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Kenrith, the Returned King

Breya, Etherium Shaper

Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons

Ezuri, Claw of Progress

Personality featured in this video
Kenrith, the Returned King Deck on Archidekt
Breya, Etherium Shaper Deck on Archidekt
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons Deck on Archidekt
Ezuri, Claw of Progress Deck on Archidekt
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Show Notes:
Extra Turns returns! Mitch from The Commander’s Quarters is here with a budget Kenrith brew to face-off against Ladee Danger’s Ezuri, Jimmy’s Breya and JLK’s Hapatra in an epic homebrew Commander battle.
Who will come out on top? Watch and find out!
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Find Our Guests Online:
Mitch: Twitter: @edhquarters
Ladee Danger: Twitch: Twitter: @Brttnymchlle Instagram: @Theladeedanger
Mitch’s Kenrith
Jimmy’s Breya:
JLK’s Hapatra:
Ladee’s Ezuri:
Follow us on Instagram: @CommandCast
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Directed by: Josh Lee Kwai Edited by: Terry Robertson and Josh Murphy Special FX and GFX: Terry Robertson Director of Photography: Lauren Haroutunian Sound Recording: Jim Funicelli Sound Mix: Jake Boss
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