Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Gishath, Sun's Avatar

Ruhan of the Fomori

Sygg, River Guide

Vial Smasher the Fierce

Thrasios, Triton Hero

Personality featured in this video
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To celebrate reaching 200,000 subscribers, we’re premiering a brand new series called Extra Turns! It’s a spin-off of Game Knights featuring fast paced MtG action and streamlined Commander gameplay.
Watch Josh and Jimmy square off against The Professor and Wedge in an EDH battle for the ages. It’s a true nail-biter featuring Syg, River Guide Merfolk Tribal vs Ruhan of the Fomori Voltron vs Vial Smasher & Thrasios vs Gishath, Sun’s Avatar Dinosaurs.
Who will claim victory? Tune in and find out!
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The Command Zone is brought to you by Card Kingdom! Make sure to use our affiliate link the next time you purchase Magic cards or products:
Where to find our guests online:
The Professor: @TolarianCollege
Wedge @TheManaSource
Directed by: Josh Lee Kwai Edited by: Josh Lee Kwai and Terry Robertson Special FX and GFX: Terry Robertson Sound Mix: Jim Funicelli Thumbnail Illustration: Josiah Cameron (Twitter @jmcameron89 – Instagram @jo_man89)
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