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Infinite Mana Go Brrrrrrr - cEDH gameplay - Dargo/Thrasios vs Kinnan vs Shorikai vs Selvala

Far North MtG

Commanders featured in this video


Welcome to the first cEDH gameplay video featured on the channel! I’m really excited to get more gameplay up on the channel and it all starts here.

As always, thanks for watching :)

Dargo/Thrasios: www.moxfield.com/decks/iUVcuHnZSkCPzHk3h_jioA

Kinnan: www.moxfield.com/decks/m-hDXXIAh06iWEiPmtmdhg

Shorikai: www.moxfield.com/decks/vSUYPIXszkCutKWvyFwwhA

#cedh #commander #mtg #Kinnan #Dargo #Selvala #simic #magicthegathering #Shorikai

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