Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Pantlaza, Sun-Favored

Talrand, Sky Summoner

Yorion, Sky Nomad

Esika, God of the Tree // The Prismatic Bridge

Personality featured in this video
Esika, God of the Tree // The Prismatic Bridge Deck on Moxfield
Talrand, Sky Summoner Deck on Moxfield
Pantlaza, Sun-Favored Deck on Moxfield
A 4 player free-for-all casual game of Commander featuring the CovertGoCrew all playing decks that make them think of The One in Best of One himself, CGB. And of course…CGB must play the most CGB deck of them all….
Format - Commander / EDH Newest Set - Foundations
Commanders - The Covert Blue Mage The Prismatic Bridge Talrand, Sky Summoner Pantlaza, Sun-Favored
Decklists: CGB: Blake: Ben: Shea:
Chapters Intro: 00:00 Gameplay: 06:57 Outro: 01:03:27
Promo Code WORST for 5% off at
Ultimate Guard -
Discord -
Twitter: CGB: @covertgoblue Blake: @blake_mtg Ben: @GreedLordMTG Shea: @TheWorstShea
Title Music by Sam Plotkin - Additional music by Rattlesnake Logo design by HolyMTG - [email protected] Twitter @HolyMTG Worst Possible Commander Show Logo design by Brent Kruscke
A commander show focused on bringing great in-person paper gameplay. This show features a consistent cast, including Covertgoblue.
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Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
#cgb #mtgcommander #mtg