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The Power of Ad Naus! CEDH Gameplay, Varragoth vs Dihada vs Etali vs Tivit

Unstable Commanders

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


#mtg #cedh

What’s up everyone! Towelie with Unstable Commanders presenting our next CEDH gameplay!

Today I will be playing Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire that was recommended on Twitter/X. Derfull is playing Dihada, Binder of Wills. Cuzzin2chainZ is playing Etali, Primal Conqueror. And Terry is playing Tivit, Seller of Secrets. Will there be an early Ad Naus win???

If you have a Twitter/X account then be sure to follow me there for updates, random nonsense, and giveaways!


If you would like to join a gameplay then join my Discord channel Unstable Commanders! It’s free for all. All I ask is everybody respects one another.


Check out our deck lists! Towelie’s deck lists: www.moxfield.com/users/towelieucommanders Terry’s Tivit list: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/02-09-24-insert-name-here Derfull’s Dihada list: moxfield.com/decks/oTyj5yTFy0OH6etaMq-WWQ Cuzzin2chainZ’s Etali list: www.moxfield.com/decks/KcA464PR6Uylr_eGRy8mOg

Music Info: See You Soon (No Vocals) by Prod. CALO Music Link: soundcloud.com/nhuubbeatz

#mtg #cedh #edh #magicthegathering #edhcommunity #commander #decktech #giveaway #bloomburrow #monogreen #yeva