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INSANE cEDH GAME! Sisay vs Jolly Balloon Man vs Fransisco & Thrasios vs Slimefoot & Squee

Highground Gaming

Commanders featured in this video


Thank you for joining us! This week is another game of Magic the Gathering cEDh

Big thanks to all of our guests!

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Decklists: Sisay - www.moxfield.com/decks/Cn_dgydLi0qatfv6hG7waQ JBM - moxfield.com/decks/woF_k1X2t0OkxhoGZ3CNEQ Fransisco/Thras - moxfield.com/decks/XxZ47XLHmEm2iatdSQnIxw

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graymattergaming.org goldenrhinogames.com / hoplitegames

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