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Table tries to thwart the Thrasios threat [S2G5] ROG|THRAS v WINOTA v KRARK|SAKASHIMA v FIRST SLIVER

Things in the Ice

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


Just don’t look at that side of the table. It’ll be fine.

John on Rog/Thras: Kyle on First Sliver: Shaun on Winota: Jeremy’s Winota List Seth on Krark/Sakashima:

Standings going into Game 5: 1st: John - 6 Points 2nd Jeremy - 5 Points (breaks tie w/ more wins) 3rd: Kyle - 5 Points 4th: Shaun - 4 Points 4th: Seth - 4 Points

Here’s our point system for this season: 1 - Win 1 - KO an Opponent 1 - First Blood (First Combat Damage of the Game) 1 - Win on Turn 1 or Turn 2 1 - Stack of 5+ Resolves in Your Favor 1 - First to 2 Stax Pieces

#edh #cedh #mtg

Music By High Fashion Wigs