Commanders featured in this video Manually verified
Personality featured in this video
Baylen, the Haymaker Deck on Moxfield
Zoraline, Cosmos Caller Deck on Moxfield
Mabel, Heir to Cragflame Deck on Moxfield
Zinnia, Valley's Voice Deck on Moxfield
Today on Guild Pack we’re playing Archenemy with Bloomburrow commanders! Make sure to welcome our special guest @MTGNerdGirl
Decklists MTGNerdGirl: Baylen, the Haymaker | Bells: Zoraline, Cosmos Caller | Syd: Mabel, Heir to Cragflame | Mar: Zinnia, Valley’s Voice |
Episode Credits: Players: MTGNerdGirl, Bells, Syd, Mar Producers: Bells, Eric, Darien Editor: Darien
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