Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid

Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood

Hazezon, Shaper of Sand

Elesh Norn // The Argent Etchings

Personality featured in this video
Elesh Norn // The Argent Etchings Deck on Archidekt
Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid Deck on Archidekt
Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood Deck on Archidekt
Hazezon, Shaper of Sand Deck on Archidekt
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Show Notes:
The Command Zone crew is pulling out their homebrews and throwing some haymakers! In this exciting new Extra Turns, Rachel, Jake, Jordan and Jamie face off in an explosive game full of epic moments, crazy swings, and massive amounts of mana. With a ton of wild plays and a nail-biter ending, this is one you won’t want to miss!
It’s Hazezon vs. Elesh Norn vs. Xolatoyac vs. Indoraptor
HELLOFRESH: Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today’s video. Go to, use our code COMMANDOCT10, and receive 10 free meals + free breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active if you’re in the US. The link and code are valid in all countries and the respective local discount will apply.
SHOPIFY: Power your business with Shopify. Start your one-dollar-per-month trial period today by going to:
CARD KINGDOM: The Command Zone is sponsored by Card Kingdom! If you want to receive your cards in one safe package and experience the best customer service, make sure to order your Magic cards, sealed product, accessories, and more at Card Kingdom:
ARCHIDEKT: Discover, build, catalog, and playtest on Archidekt, the deck-building website that makes it easy to brew brand new lists or manage your old favorites. Get started today:
ULTRAPRO: Huge thanks to UltraPro for sponsoring this episode! Be sure to check out their PRO GLOSS eclipse sleeves and super classy MYTHIC COLLECTION deck boxes. If you want to keep your cards protected and support the show, visit:
Follow Our Guests Online:
Rachel Weeks: Twitter: @wachelreeks IG: @wachelreeks
Jamie Block: Twitter: @Jamblock IG: @benjamiela
Jordan Pridgen: Twitter: @jordanpigeon IG: @jordanpridgen
Jake Boss: Twitter: @jakebossmtg IG: @jakebossmtg
Deck Lists:
Jake (Elesh Norn):
Jamie (Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid):
Jordan (Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood):
Rachel (Hazezon, Shaper of Sand):
Directed by: Jake Boss Executive Producer: Josh Lee Kwai Co-Producer: Jimmy Wong Edited by: Gilberto Navarro VFX, GFX: Gilberto Navarro Sound Mix: Arthur Meadowcroft Production/Post Production Supervisor: Jake Boss Deck Coordinator: Rachel Weeks Intro Theme Arrangement: Jake Boss
Follow us on TikTok: @thecommandzone
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