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You'll Want to Watch This Game! | A Cause For Commander | Episode 03

Elder Dragon Hijinks

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

AliasV, EllieOfTheVeil, TappyToeClaws & Olivia Gobert-Hicks are back to do battle for charity! Can Kwain hop his way to a win? Will Morophon bring forth too many dragons to handle? What will Yawgmoth sacrifice this time? And will Najeela be all blades or blossoms?

DECKLISTS AliasV: aetherhub.com/Deck/morophon-edh Ellie: aetherhub.com/Deck/kwain-edh-605497 Tappy: aetherhub.com/Deck/yawgmoth-edh-605495 Olivia: aetherhub.com/Deck/najeela-edh-605494

SUPPORT OUR CAUSES Ontario SPCA: tinyurl.com/OntarioSPCA FNDI: www.firstnations.org/fndi_don… ACLU: action.aclu.org/give/now RAINN: donate.rainn.org/donate

SUPPORT THE SHOW ko-fi.com/aliasv

FOLLOW US twitter.com/coL_AliasV twitter.com/ellieoftheveil twitter.com/TappyToeClaws twitter.com/goberthicks

VISIT OUR SPONSORS Ultra Pro: shop.ultrapro.com TCGPlayer: bit.ly/2UlYkEE

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