Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

Sakashima of a Thousand Faces

Krark, the Thumbless

Leinore, Autumn Sovereign

Bruna, Light of Alabaster

Araumi of the Dead Tide

Personality featured in this video
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Show Notes:
Our first time inviting a Patron of IHYD to play with us on our show, Zach who is 12 years old, he requested to play with Kyle Hill, both will be on our show today to play some commander!
We encourage Rule 0 talk before every game, to help set expectations to create a healthy community, where we can all have fun playing this game.
Whose deck will we hate most?
Deck lists: Can be found on our Patreon for our Patrons! Thanks for helping us grow as a channel so we can keep brining you more commander content! A lot of work goes into this show and we want to keep getting better for you all.
Directed & Produced by: MICHAEL D. LYNCH Co Producer JOE ADAMS Cinematography by MICHAEL D. LYNCH Assistant Camera by KRISSIE LYNCH On Set Audio Mixer: REZA MOOSAVI Logo & Titles by CAMERON SANDERS Editing by MICHAEL D. LYNCH Title VO by GARKON Intro and Outro Music By HOLLOW BROOKS Background Music: SIKORA and TRAPDOOR SOCIAL
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