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Edgar vs Varina vs Inalla vs Meren [EDH Commander] Gameplay 2020

MTG The Stack

Commanders featured in this video


g o t t a g o f a s t. We tried some new stuff in this video so let us know if ya’ll are into it. Not saying it’ll matter though, I cant read.


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Today we have another EDH/Commander game for you, Featuring:

► Edgar Markov (Calvin)

► Varina, Lich Queen (Jake)

► Meren of Clan Nel Toth (Adrian)

► Inalla, Archmage Ritualist (Steve) Don’t ask about the Inalla list I neither have easy access to it or the player don’t at me please.

Obviously we have our MVP… Wanderwine Prophets -


Previous Gameplay Videos featuring Inalla! ►


Do you want to yell at The Stack? Try here: ►

Do you want to yell at Adrian? ►

Do you want to yell at Calvin? ►


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In some cases, not all commanders featured in the video are listed. If you believe a commander is missing, please let us know:
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