cEDH TV Gameplay profile icon

Competitive bracket 3 commander gameplay

cEDH TV Gameplay

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


Hi and welcome to a cEDH TV gameplay video where you get to see all of our hands and hear our private thoughts are during the entire match. You get a first row seat where you will know everything like a god. Get some insight and understanding and tips and strategy tricks.

Check out Rhetoric’s work: www.ccdigitalpress.org/ldm www.youtube.com/@rhetorsmusic

MUSIC If you like the song you hear in the background and wanna listen to it on a higher volum. Then here is a link. I uploaded it on anouther channel so you can have it in the background if you want to.


CEDH TV? Well here is a link for you. It is to the original channel. It dose deck techs and card reviews and other game theory videos. www.youtube.com/channel/UCzt3cj_wzuNp4yRP9ZEBAmg

SUPPORT ME If you wish to support my channel by purchasing cards from TCGplayer using this affiliate link helps cEDH TV grow. tinyurl.com/TCGEDH

I have a Patreon: www.patreon.com/user?u=18561953

————— M Y D I S C O R D ————————– Come and hangout with other cEDH players at my Discord: discord.gg/Et8W28GXF3 Here you can write to me if you wanna say something. Like “hi can I join in on the live stream games?”

——————- D E C K L I S T ——————- Sisay: moxfield.com/decks/xQkwuvnXfU-Ye2FCzz-B0A Dargo & Ikra: moxfield.com/decks/w18iLcDaW0m7CNdC0NRwSA Najeela: moxfield.com/decks/6-SwSpOHKUalRWVZosl_Dw Aragorn: moxfield.com/decks/RgrSW00bnEuJfpXz9sOHOw

#mtgcommander #cedh #edhgameplay