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WHICH DRAGON IS THE BEST IN CEDH? Ft @thunderconductor Niv Mizzet vs Korvold vs Zurgo vs Scion

Far North MtG

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


TTC’s links YT: www.youtube.com/@thunderconductor Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/thunderconductor

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Far North MTG Discord: discord.gg/apEzsr5EgU

Far North MTG socials: Bluesky - bsky.app/profile/zolson.bsky.social Instagram - www.instagram.com/farnorthmtg

Check out luvandhateindub on soundcloud! soundcloud.com/streetxsoldier

Channel logo by Vinnie from carbonbasedcreations: www.instagram.com/carbonbasedcreations And check out Vinnie’s band Phobophilic on any streaming service!

Today’s decks: Scion of the Ur Dragon: moxfield.com/decks/HZ3lxttVbUiruvhJ1Iplsw Niv Mizzet: moxfield.com/decks/SXtUqH4C6UmBwYKPhsdv2g Korvold: moxfield.com/decks/0zfu7kOUZ06ulG1f72xb0A Zurgo & Ojutai: moxfield.com/decks/Xum8ZI9kYEiQwew2Jrpz9A

#cedh #edh #edhcommunity #edhcommander #competitiveedh #commander #mtg #magicthegathering #Zurgo #Ojutai #NivMizzet #Izzet #Dragon #bestdragon #Korvold #Jund #Jeskai #ScionOfTheUrDragon