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Off meta pods are fun- cEDH gameplay of Teshar vs The Returned King vs Chatterfang vs OB Nix

Cardboard Sensation

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


Today’s gameplay features Tre playing Teshar, Ancestor’s Apostle. A mono white deck looking to shut off others and combo out faster through the stax. Jerry on Kenrith, the returned king, a 5 color good stuff combo list, looking to jam value and win through creature lines. Hubba Bubba Man is going to make Chatterfang a fast paced turbo deck that pivots into a midrange beats with a bunch of furry squirrels. Fro is on Ob Nix, captive kingpin. A radkos deck that loves when you take 1 damage. This turbo deck causes chaos through a flying trample commander that if left uncheck out values, and over powers.

Decklists: Teshar - Kenrith - Chatterfang - Ob Nix - Not Submitted

Huge shoutout to SHOWTYME for winning our Rhystic Study Giveaway.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: AFWZUSQQNGATRMSK