Commanders featured in this video

Winota, Joiner of Forces

Jodah, Archmage Eternal

Magda, Brazen Outlaw

Thrasios, Triton Hero

Vial Smasher the Fierce

Thrasios, Triton Hero + Vial Smasher the Fierce Deck on Moxfield
Jodah, Archmage Eternal Deck on Moxfield
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Deck on Moxfield
Winota, Joiner of Forces Deck on Moxfield
Spelltable cEDH game!
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Deck Lists: Curious Control: Jodah, Archmage Eternal: Magda, Brazen Outlaw Winota, Joiner of Forces
Art used in this video:
0:00 Pre game talk 0:35 Opening Hands 1:32 Turn 1 2:47 Turn 2 4:36 Turn 3 7:05 Turn 4 11:47 Turn 5 KOs 13:46 Closing thoughts
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#edh #gameplay #wotc #mtg #unbangolos #siegerhino #siegerhinoisthebestrhino #magic30 #cedh #vial #thrasios #winota #jodah #magda #creature #combo #infiniteturns #infinitemana #hastag #value #spelltable #cedh #stax #win #dwarf #tribal
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