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PREHISTORIC IXALAN BATTLE 🦖 | Etali v Beckett Brass v Tishana v Elenda & Azor MTG EDH Commander

Quintessential MTG

Commanders featured in this video Manually verified


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These are some of our favorite commanders/characters from the plane of Ixalan! We’re so hyped for Lost Caverns of Ixalan that we couldn’t wait. We’ve got pirates, led by Admiral Beckett Brass, Tishana representing the merfolk, Elenda and Azor with vampires and knights, and of course a big red dinosaur called ETALI.

Who should we feature from Lost Caverns of Ixalan???


Esmond’s Admiral Beckett Brass: www.moxfield.com/decks/Yic-9DKidUiWaedKP5c4yQ

Matthew’s Etali, Primal Conqueror: www.moxfield.com/decks/MLCvC06uuk2CTQItN10caQ

Paul’s Tishana, Voice of Thunder: www.moxfield.com/decks/o-kOkrfvPEi-H7pyTXVl-w

Liang Ying’s Elenda and Azor: www.moxfield.com/decks/by9M64Tl8EWQAte_h0N-Tw

Socials: Esmond (Twitter & Instagram): esmond_heng

Games Haven Singapore: www.gameshaventcg.com Games Haven Facebook: www.facebook.com/gameshavensg Games Haven Instagram: @Games_Haven_SG

Blackmagic Design equipment used or created with: BMPCC 4K: bit.ly/3vfnS8h ATEM Mini Pro: bit.ly/3PRIgnT Video Assist 7": bit.ly/3J0VkVL Olympus 12-40mm: bit.ly/3z1GNVj Olympus 12-100mm: bit.ly/3IZW917

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