Commanders featured in this video Manually verified

The First Sliver

Sen Triplets

Krark, the Thumbless

Silas Renn, Seeker Adept

Kraum, Ludevic's Opus

Tymna the Weaver

Krark, the Thumbless + Silas Renn, Seeker Adept Deck on Moxfield
The First Sliver Deck on Moxfield
Kraum, Ludevic's Opus + Tymna the Weaver Deck on Moxfield
Wait, Sen Triplets is in this game?? In 2024?? AWESOME!!
Seth on Krark/Silas: Kyle on The First Sliver: John on Tymna/Kraum : Jeremy on Sen Triplets
Standings going into Game 8: 1st: John - 11 Points 2nd: Kyle - 10 Points 3rd: Seth - 8 Points 4th: Jeremy - 6 Points 5th: Shaun - 5 Points
Here’s our point system for this season: 1 - Win 1 - KO an Opponent 1 - First Blood (First Combat Damage of the Game) 1 - Win on Turn 1 or Turn 2 1 - Stack of 5+ Resolves in Your Favor 1 - First to 2 Stax Pieces
#edh #cedh #mtg