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No Tundra Challenge #2: Ghyrson vs Elminster* | Round 2 | VA 011423 | Duel Commander-in-Focus

Duel Commander PH 18:292 years ago

Commander featured in this video


Rule: Can’t play Tundra!! For this series of videos, I have 1 rule: you can’t play Tundra! This simulates a deck that does not have access to DUAL LANDS. Will it still do well versus tier decks in an actual event??

LGS: The Vault @ Atrium, Makati Event: Vault Duel Commander League Regular Duel Commander Banlist: www.mtgdc.info/banned-restricted

Decklists: ===Ghryson by Philip Cunanan: pending ===Elminster by Ste Villaraza: www.moxfield.com/decks/MuXwrFRG50OvKro9mcAtWA

Top decklists: www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=40669&f=EDH

Content: 0:00 Intro 0:06 Game 1 6:32 Game 2

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