Commanders featured in this video

Vadrok, Apex of Thunder

Kalamax, the Stormsire

Jacob Hauken, Inspector // Hauken's Insight

Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools

Kraum, Ludevic's Opus

Vadrok, Apex of Thunder Deck on Moxfield
Kalamax, the Stormsire Deck on Moxfield
Jacob Hauken, Inspector // Hauken's Insight Deck on Moxfield
Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools + Kraum, Ludevic's Opus Deck on Moxfield
A new game of Cedh, see who will take victory and who will just end up dead on board
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Deck List: Vadrok: Kalamax: Jacob Hauken: Tevesh Kraum:
Music from Stream Beats: Demon This Slaps
Don’t mind this Guess I’ll Just Sit Here - Cedh Gameplay - Vadrok Vs Kalamax Vs Jacob Hauken Vs Tevesh Kraum Casual,Commander,Competitive,EDH,Gameplay,Gathering,Magic,PlayEDH,Salt Road Quartermasters,cedh,cedh stax,cedh tv,deadonboard,elder dragon highlander,mtg,mtg stax,streambeats,thrasios,magic the gathering,card game,strategy,trading card game,edhrec,cEDH,mtg commander,edh gameplay,edh gameplay mtg,CMDR,edh commander gameplay,mtg gameplay commander,mtg edh,gameplay,mtga,spelltable,vadrok edh,jacob hauken cedh,kalamax cedh,tevesh kraum cedh,kamigawa neon dynasty
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