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DrLupo Played His New Commander Deck With Us! w/ Darkness429 | Ep 166

Elder Dragon Hijinks

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We’re back playing more high-power Commander this week with @DrLupo and @Darkness429 and DrLupo has a new Commander deck to show off! Does it have what it takes to take down the power of a treasure commander deck or the Prismatic Bridge?

💛 CHECK OUT THE DECKS 💛 Prismatic Bridge: archidekt.com/decks/7405435/no_hand_necessary Brimaz: archidekt.com/decks/11980314/darkness429_brimaz_ep_166 Mimeoplasm: archidekt.com/decks/11980328/drlupo_mimeoplasm_ep_166 Vihaan: COMING SOON!

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